Nov 27, 2019 · Diceware uses a list of 7776 short words, abbreviations, and easy-to-remember character strings to generate a word. To use, simply throw five dice (yes, actual physical 6-sided dice) one at a time, or all at once reading from left to right, and cross-reference the result with the list. Below is a short sample from the original Diceware list:

Is your passphrase strong enough? | by SatoshiLabs Then you should choose the word which has the number 4216, and that is the word “move”: … 4215 mouth 4216 move 4221 movie … If you use the Short Diceware wordlist to generate your passphrase, then compared with the Long Diceware list you will need more words to achieve the same level of security, but the words in the Short Diceware list are shorter. WPA(保护无线电脑网络安全系统)_百度百科 2005-5-1 · WPA全名为Wi-Fi Protected Access,有WPA和WPA2两个标准,是一种保护无线电脑网络(Wi-Fi)安全的系统,它是应研究者在前一代的系统有线等效加密(WEP)中找到的几个严重的弱点而产生的。WPA实作了IEEE 802.11i标准的大部分,是在 PSK(共享密钥)_百度百科 2019-9-3 · PSK是预共享密钥,是用于验证 L2TP/IPSec 连接的 Unicode 字符串。可以配置“路由和远程访问”来验证支持预共享密钥的 VPN 连接。许多操作系统都支持使用预共享密钥,包括 Windows Server 2003 家族和 Windows XP。也可以配置运行 Windows Shop — DiceWARE

DICEWARS - flash game and its authors are not responsible for any loss of data or personal information. Passphrases are used at the user’s own risk and no liability will be asumed. 14 hours ago · I'm reading about Diceware and cryptography in general and I know how secure Diceware can be. I stumble upon this part on The Intercept about Diceware and it says: "You don’t so much need them for logging into a website or something else on the internet. In those situations, you get less benefit from using a high-entropy passphrase. Diceware is a method for picking passphrases that uses ordinary dice to select words at random from a special list called the Diceware Word List. Each word in the list is preceded by a five digit number. All the digits are between one and six, allowing you to use the outcomes of five dice rolls to select a word from the list. diceware.logger¶. logging – output status and other data. The logger provided in this module is meant to be used by other components for messages to users.. It is named “ulif.openoffice” and can, as a singleton, be retrieved by calling standard lib logging.getLogger(“ulif.diceware”).

Jan 03, 2019 · Diceware is a way to create memorable passphrases using dice. I still wouldn’t use dice instead of a password manager for passwords, but it’s a great option for security questions.

Diceware is a method used to generate cryptographically strong passphrases. It is based on the principle that truly random selection of words from a wordlist can result in easily memorable passwords that are also extremely resistant to attack. Oct 15, 2015 · Diceware creates passphrases that are relatively easy to visualize, remember and type, but hard to crack and more secure than nine to 10 random characters. Search_for: Submit Search Toggle navigation Information Technology Services Jan 03, 2019 · Diceware is a way to create memorable passphrases using dice. I still wouldn’t use dice instead of a password manager for passwords, but it’s a great option for security questions. Jun 22, 2020 · c.78 ~ wedgwood jasperware - "diceware" tri-colour - black, white and cain "musuem series" trophy plate - 9" - new - display piece. wedgwood gallery - texas. this stunning "new" trophy plate is the second released piece from the "museum series" in 1978.