Apr 21, 2017 · java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String

Jetty Maven Plugin. Since jetty-7.5.0 we upgraded the version of JSP to jsp-impl-2.1.3.b10 (from Glassfish). In this version, the JSP infrastructure ALWAYS tries to acquire a Java compiler from the JVM if the version of Java is 1.6 or above. This sounds to me like you set the to index.jsp, but you don't have a jsp file (the name of the missing class is the classname for the compiled index.jsp file). You can ignore the first 6 lines. Line 12 is the key to solving this one. If you can't figure it out, post your code for UserDAO.java and we'll give you another hint. NO JSP Support for /[our application], did not find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet. Hello @ all, first of all: I am not sure, whether this is actually a jetty-question or maybe an I know that HttpServletRequest.getDispatcherType() is a valid method, it's a new method in the Servlet 3.0 API. I created a new project with a minimal setup to try to reproduce the problem, but it now works as expected. Example: Embedded Jetty w/ JSP Support. This is a maven project, to build it: $ mvn clean package To run the example org.eclipse.jetty.demo.Main: $ mvn exec:exec Open your web browser to: HTTP Status 500 - An exception occurred processing JSP page /index.jsp at l

Hi, I don’t know if the problem was solved at some other topic, but now I found a solution. Choose! Window->Preferences MyEclipse->Servers->Integrated Sandbox->MyEclipse Tomcat

Bug 350991 - Help system doesn't work (java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet) java.lang.NullPointerException Error: null java.lang.NullPointerException at com.ugs.advisor.bean.AdvisorBean.getLaunchFile(AdvisorBean.java:86) at com.ugs.advisor

Hm, second time within five minutes I answer the same question org.apache.jsp.content_jsp._jspService(content_jsp.java:83)This line of the stacktrace is telling you that on line 83 of the generated servlet sourcefile a NullPointerException was generated.

Note: There is a new version for this artifact. New Version: 6.0.53: Maven; Gradle; SBT; Ivy; Grape; Leiningen; Buildr This is ASF Bugzilla: the Apache Software Foundation bug system.In case of problems with the functioning of ASF Bugzilla, please contact bugzilla-admin@apache.org. Aug 26, 2008 · Of course this comes from Java. However it seems to happen when I make a mistake in a control or datasource or 'something'. However shouldn't JasperServer not catch ALL exceptions and tell me what is wrong rather then ignore the exception and bail out. Jetty Maven Plugin. Since jetty-7.5.0 we upgraded the version of JSP to jsp-impl-2.1.3.b10 (from Glassfish). In this version, the JSP infrastructure ALWAYS tries to acquire a Java compiler from the JVM if the version of Java is 1.6 or above. This sounds to me like you set the to index.jsp, but you don't have a jsp file (the name of the missing class is the classname for the compiled index.jsp file).